Environmental Goods

The Best Dust Suppression Products for Your Worksite

The mining and civil industries usually require large scale operations that can create huge amounts of dust. Dust is more than an inconvenience, it can be a health hazard. Breathing in dust can cause respiratory conditions and even more problems for those that already suffer from asthma or allergies. Eye irritation is another common issue. Dust does not only affect the workforce, it can also have important repercussions on people who live nearby.

Use Your Resources Efficiently

Watering is the most common way to control dust emissions, however, it is not a cost-effective solution, particularly in drought prone areas. It requires large volumes of water and constant application. Relying purely on water can lead to a constant waste of resources and an increase in maintenance costs. You can now complement your existing system with additives that will deliver better results and for a longer period.

Solutions for Roads

Large operations require vehicles and heavy trucks that circulate on unsealed roads constantly. The movement of tyres on these roads is responsible for most dust emissions. Dust suppression products specially formulated for roads can keep dust levels to a minimum. There are different options depending on the type of road and use it gets.

RT8 is an oil based dust suppressant that is sprayed onto haulage roads. It is a great dust suppression solution for roads where there is heavy traffic. The results can last for up to 3 months. Magnet is another formulation that binds onto Magnesium Chloride particles to prevent them from becoming airborne. In this case, the results can last between 6 to12 months.

Solutions for Transportation

Transporting fine materials can cause additional problems. RT4 Superskin Veneer Coat is a great product that is applied onto the materials that are being transported. The substance forms a layer that can resist wind and water. RT4 does not change the properties of the materials.

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Environment Solutions