tree felling services

When to Consider Tree Felling Services: 4 Signs That Your Trees Need Removal

Trees are a beautiful and essential part of our environment. They provide shade, and clean air, and enhance the aesthetic value of our properties. However, sometimes they can become dangerous, diseased, or damaged, and tree felling services become necessary. It is the process of removing trees from a location. If you’re unsure whether you need these services or not, here are four signs to look out for.

  • The tree is diseased or dead:

If your tree has any signs of disease or death (such as brown leaves), then it could be dangerous for other trees in your area as well as homes and buildings close by. A lot of people don’t realize that once one tree is infected with disease or dies off completely, it can spread to others nearby quickly through spores or bacteria in the air. The sooner you get this problem taken care of by professionals before it spreads to other parts of your property or other areas around where you live!

 tree felling services

  • The tree is leaning towards a structure:

If a tree has started leaning towards a structure such as your house, shed or fence, then this can cause significant damage over time. This is because the roots can start pulling away from the ground, causing them to become unstable and dangerous if they are allowed to continue growing in this way. Once they have reached their tipping point, they cannot be saved and will need to be removed completely from the site before any further damage is done.

  • The tree is damaged:

If your tree has been damaged by storms or other natural causes, it may be time to consider tree removal in Auckland. You should contact a qualified arborist to assess your situation before any damage is done to other plants in your garden or home. Tree care professionals will be able to advise on the best course of action for both the safety of your property and your tree’s health.

  • The tree is interfering with power lines:

Sometimes, trees can grow too tall and get in the way of power lines. This means that they may need to be felled so that there’s no danger of them falling onto the power lines and causing damage.


If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to consider tree felling services. It is essential to contact a professional to remove the tree safely and prevent any accidents or property damage. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.


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Lachlan Frame